1-29 October 2006
After flying into London at 6am Monday morning, I was picked up by my older brother Jason and stayed with him and his partner (Caroline) for the next 3 nights (and their two adorable kittens - Christo and Bella). My sister had also flown in from Brisbane the day before, so it was a bit of a reunion for us all (and a rather crowded house)! On the Wednesday night we all went and saw the stage production 'Evita' - loved it. I generally spent the days shopping, catching up with my sister and brother and getting over my jetlag!
Four days after getting into London I was again on a plane...this time to Holland. My aunt, uncle and two cousins live in a town called Gramsbergen which is in the north of Holland and close to the German border. Both my cousins are about to give birth (well....my cousin's wife is...) and my aunt is very excited as both babies are due within 3 months of each other.

After getting back to the UK, I stayed with friends in Leicester...and their two cats! Vicky and Conall have spent the last year or so gutting and renovating their new house...and now Vicky is house bound after having surgery on her shoulder. It was great catching up on all the news, seeing what they had done with the house and making the most of their bar!
Finally, more than a few days in one place! I got the train down from Leicester and then straight up to Colchester where my eldest brother (Geoff), his wife (Hilary) and
their two sons (my nephews) Josh and Sam live. I loved the time I got to spend with everyone - though I am sure I could have done without the two runs that my brother dragged me out on!
On one night we had a 'sibling reunion' - only the second one since Geoff and Jason left NZ in 1993. Hopefully the next one will include my folks as well!
After Colchester I went back down to London to meet up with Sera (who I met through work at Deutsche Bank). She very nicely drove me out west to see Salisbury Cathedral, Sarum Castle and Avebury. We had a fab time...Salisbury Cathedral was stunning on the outside, but even more so when you go into it. Unfortunately it was very misty in the morning but we did spend considerable time inside it photographing every square inch! Got to say Sarum Castle was left to your imagination, and as for Avebury...mmm....all I can say is that it's a smaller version of Stonehenge.
To end my trip I stayed with Teressa (who I met through UBS) for 3 nights. This also included my birthday where Sera got some ex-Deutsche people together - in a pub of course! Jason, Caroline and Geoff also came which was great.
I was in England for 4 weeks but in someways it felt much longer...in a good way. I just hope it won't be another 2.5yrs before I see everyone again!