By the time we had a look around and familiarised ourselves with area, it was time to open the first bottle of wine (of 14) that we had bought with us. They don't sell food and alcohol here so we had to bring all our food and drink with us (other than for the evening meal which we ordered every night). After a few bottles of wine and a very tasty dinner, it was time for (what would become our ritual), evening spa. I think our 'arrrhs' and 'oohs' were heard all over the lodge as the spa has a balcony looking over the water and the water was very warm! I think we lasted 20mins before we became overheated and had to beat a hasty retreat back to the lodge. By the time we had showered and dressed, I think we were very much ready for bed.

That night was New Year's Eve so out came more bottles of wine mixed with games of patanque, laughter, good conversation and a skinny dip by the very adventurous lodge staff! A great way to see in the new year.
No hangover the next day so Cheryl and myself spent the morning kayaking and then we all spent the day doing absolutely nothing other than reading. playing games, chatting, and snoozing in the very comfortable hammocks. Bliss. That night we had lamb shank for dinner and then polished off the last bottles of wine. With the spa thrown in as well, we were pretty knackered from the night before and I think we all had a good nights sleep before our departure the next morning.
After all the relaxation, food and rest, we were ready to face the world again. That was before we realised we would be sailing back into Wellington with 5 knot weather! By the time we had docked, I think half the people on the ferry were throwing up or at least feeling there were about to! We also had 11 degree cold southerlies blowing so the holiday felt like a dim memory by the time we all got home.
But I think we can all say we had a great time unwinding, relaxing and gathering the necessary energy to tackle the new year.